Week 6 Food and exercise journal

Monday July 26, 2010

Morning before work out 6:30 half shake of kale, pineapple, mix berries

6:40 walked on the treadmill for 50 minutes 2.5 miles. didn't run body was a little tired.

9:00 to 11:00 sipped on other half of smoothie

12:15 salad with broccoli, coli flour, bean sprouts, alfalfa, mushroom, chicken w/ out skin (leg). Miso Cesar dressing

1:35 craving something sweet, had a bite size sneaker bar.

3:30 I was hungry and it was early. i had carrots with two table spoons of hummus

Had to go and visit grandma at the hospital, I had about 10 pretzels that mom had with her. Got home late and didn't have time to make dinner. so I went to bed without dinner, this doesn't happen often but i was to tired to eat or cook.

Drank lots of water throughout the day.