So tired of it all

Everything, everything is always wrong. Sometimes somedays are better than others, instead of the constant sharp pain in my breast and rib, my body might decide to give me a break and let me have a migraine for a few hours. Exercise helps to some extent, but then again if my lung decides to hurt, it's pretty bad...

I've gotten tests, blood tests, urine, ultrasound, they wanted to do an mri, which I have yet to go do but I got scared because I'm so claustrophobic and they weren't that nice... I want a mammogram but they don't want to do it because they ' think' that I don't have cancer since I'm 22. I just want a title for things that are going on with me. they tell me it could be fibromyalgia... which, maybe to a certain extent.. they tell me it's panic attacks that are causing it, and well, a panic attack causes it WHILE your panicking!

I'm determined to save my own life, and if something is seriously wrong with me, I want to know now, in order to prevent it from getting worse later, and you think the doctors would want to give me that chance. I have group health insurance... and well, personally I don't think they're as good as the commericals put them out there to be. So I'm going to get an 'out of network' opinion from my moms doctor that is VERY good at diagnosing and being correct.

I'm sorry if I seem so... BLAH and negative I promise you I'm not. I'm just so sick of this, and I want things to get better... I know they will but, it takes time... and I've been waiting awhile..


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