Troops Rally 2

Good morning all.
In addition to what Jeanette has told Mike, there are other concerns about her rehabilitation.
There was much confusion with in the staff regarding who and when the P.T. would assess Mama Jo. Michelle, P.T., had attempted to evaluate Mama Jo, but she turned her away therefore the P.T. didn't go forth with it and left the room and did not return. When I questioned the staff at the desk, basically demanding an answer, I was not given a satisfied answer as to when someone will be back. The Director of Nursing was informed of my concerns. Tamika, DON, came to me to get to the bottom of it and also went to the admin. They quickly handled this and told me a therapist WOULD be back and WILL assess her.
I had to leave before P.T. came back.
Jeanette called me to let me know the progress. Wilma will be her P.T. Jeanette expressed concerns of Mama Jo rejecting therapy and told Wilma if this should happen she needed to be notified so it could be addressed ASAP in hopes to not skip any therapy. Wilma told Jeanette, "Then when a family member comes to visit, have them get hold of me then I will do her therapy. That way there can't be any rejection". I'm personally not pleased with that comment. She is putting her responsibility on the family members to make sure the therapy gets done, when that is the reason she is there. What if family members are unable to visit, would that mean she wouldn't pursue attempts to provide therapy? Who's job is it anyway?