Mom's Feeling Better

ERIC reports on Saturday morning:
All I can say is WOW. Rhonda and I went to see Mama this morning and the change was, stunning to say the least. I assume that the Zoloft was the fix and if it was, she should never come off of that again. ( Although I don't know what long term effects there are. ) Anyway, after viewing that, I must rethink what my thoughts were at our meeting on Friday night. That is good news. There is my report.

MIKE reports:
Jeanette called & said when she showed up at the rehab center this morning, Mama was smiling & in a good mood. She had been swinging her legs in & out of bed, had gotten into her wheelchair & gone to the bathroom, gotten out of the chair using the rails by herself & had even wheeled herself to the dining room. The Zoloft must be kicking back in. I will go up there this morning with Richard to visit.

DENICE reports:
WOW is right! Rachel and I visited her Friday evening and we had a blast. Mama Jo & Rach played with the beach ball (like volley ball) and there was laughter & giggling. She got tired, went for a wheel and she wanted more. I attempted to get it on video w/ my camera but failed to save Darn.