Deje el mundo cambiarle y puede cambiar el mundo.....let the world change you and you can change the world.....
Probably one of my favorite quotes & I think it's a pretty good mantra of how I try and live my life. My diverse background of experiences, culmination of interests and curiosity, combined with my sincere interest in helping others has led me to invaluable opportunities to learn a lot about how people communicate, interact, and even cultural differences between people (yes, everyone has their own culture). It takes 2 people to have a conversation and whether it be with a friend, coworker, a doctor, or a complete stranger, I never cease to be amazed by how much someone can teach you...even in a few short moments. And sometimes, although we may not even realize it, those little moments can forever leave an imprint on your life.
Several recent experiences and events in my life have not only changed the way I see the world, but how I see myself in this world. Over the past few years I have engaged in what some may call random, some call outrageous, and others call utterly spontaneous experiencias that have shaped both my personal and professional life. Though all of my adventures, both abroad and in my own backyard, may not make sense on paper, they are all interconnecting journeys that have let me accept uncertainly, practice patience, and not be discouraged by change. So follow my blog as I discuss my experiences serving as a patient advocate and caregiver to those with cancer....from receiving news of my mother's cancer diagnosis right before leaving for college, working with patients and their families in the clinics, volunteering as a health educator in the community, to participating in medical missions in rural Yucatecan village where patient-provider communication takes on a whole new meaning when Mayan translators aren't available.
So, why have I joined MyBridge4Life? Well, I've been thinking about diving into the blogging world for a while now but I couldn't seem to find the right online community. Besides, anyone who knows me knows that I'm not a women of few words....so Twitter just won't cut it anymore!
Thanks for reading :) Stay tuned as I begin capturing how cancer has personally affected my life and how that has mobilized me to become committed to doing everything I can to reduce the suffering and increase the quality of life for others. And hey, I'll even highlight some of my favorite cancer and healthy living resources along the way!
I've promised to Livestrong...I've pledged to stay a SmokefreeWoman...and I StandUp2Cancer. Do you? Let's work together to empower the cancer community...knowledge truly is power....
Probably one of my favorite quotes & I think it's a pretty good mantra of how I try and live my life. My diverse background of experiences, culmination of interests and curiosity, combined with my sincere interest in helping others has led me to invaluable opportunities to learn a lot about how people communicate, interact, and even cultural differences between people (yes, everyone has their own culture). It takes 2 people to have a conversation and whether it be with a friend, coworker, a doctor, or a complete stranger, I never cease to be amazed by how much someone can teach you...even in a few short moments. And sometimes, although we may not even realize it, those little moments can forever leave an imprint on your life.
Several recent experiences and events in my life have not only changed the way I see the world, but how I see myself in this world. Over the past few years I have engaged in what some may call random, some call outrageous, and others call utterly spontaneous experiencias that have shaped both my personal and professional life. Though all of my adventures, both abroad and in my own backyard, may not make sense on paper, they are all interconnecting journeys that have let me accept uncertainly, practice patience, and not be discouraged by change. So follow my blog as I discuss my experiences serving as a patient advocate and caregiver to those with cancer....from receiving news of my mother's cancer diagnosis right before leaving for college, working with patients and their families in the clinics, volunteering as a health educator in the community, to participating in medical missions in rural Yucatecan village where patient-provider communication takes on a whole new meaning when Mayan translators aren't available.
So, why have I joined MyBridge4Life? Well, I've been thinking about diving into the blogging world for a while now but I couldn't seem to find the right online community. Besides, anyone who knows me knows that I'm not a women of few words....so Twitter just won't cut it anymore!
Thanks for reading :) Stay tuned as I begin capturing how cancer has personally affected my life and how that has mobilized me to become committed to doing everything I can to reduce the suffering and increase the quality of life for others. And hey, I'll even highlight some of my favorite cancer and healthy living resources along the way!
I've promised to Livestrong...I've pledged to stay a SmokefreeWoman...and I StandUp2Cancer. Do you? Let's work together to empower the cancer community...knowledge truly is power....