Keeping track of your or your loved one's imaging records with Jack Imaging

Keeping track of your imaging records with Jack Imaging
[free tool for patients and caretakers at]

CDs, films, notes, doctor recommendations, reports, forms, pamphlets, labs, contact information ...
... isn't there an easier way to manage this mess?

We created Jack Imaging - a free online application - to ensure that imaging records stay with the most important person, yourself, as you journey through the system.

So how can Jack Imaging help? With Jack, you can:
-access your images, reports and notes online (even in your doctor's office!)
- keep track of your imaging records with easy organizational features
- improve communication with your doctor with fast sharing of images and side-by-side collaboration (pull your scans up on your iPad!)
- reduce unnecessary care and repeat scans by accessing prior images
- save on CD co-pay; never carry CDs again
- save time by having all your records organized in one place
- request a second opinion
- receive a remote consult via video with your doctor (coming soon)

Reach out with any questions at all:

Read our step-by-step tutorial on how to get started here:…

Or, watch our video tutorial here:

If you're interested in learning more, tweet at @jackimaging or give us a call: 323-790-6797.

In health,