Hospice explained

From Greg

For an overview of what hospice provides, see http://www.brightmoorhospice.com/
At this time it is similar to the home health care, but with more features. It does not provide for out of home domicile, although if she is in a nursing home or other facility, they can provide their service there. Admittance is probably the wrong word. Acceptance is what I should have said.

She is receiving the Home Care, which includes visits from Physical Therapy, a nurse, occupational therapy, and speech therapy. They oversee her medications and actually receive the prescription and bring it over, as well as instructing in administration of medications, training in bathing, dressing, etc.

I asked Mama tonight if she just wanted to die. I told her that not eating, not drinking, not taking medications, not following doctor’s directions, refusing to go to therapy are the ways to do it. I told her that we are all trying to help her to live, to feel better, to be happier, but if she will not do her part, we cannot do it for her.

I am unable to reliably interpret her responses. If we are unable to provide her 24/7 care here, there is no money to put her in a nursing home without converting assets. Those assets are known to you.

Wish I had better news, and more information. I don’t.