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"I am a 70 year old female who recently (4weeks ago) had an ablation (freezing kind). It seems to be successful. I have identified some major triggers and am avoiding them, caffeine, icy drinks, lack of sleep and aerobic exercise. I have been doing water aerobics for the past 10 years to control my blood sugar. Is there a site or a profession that helps cardiac patients with resuming an exercise routine? What do you suggest for recovering A-fib patients?"
justme9898,Support Network Member"I have gone through triple heart surgery 3 years ago. Though I visit my cardiologist twice a year according to him I am ok but I do have breathlessness. Suggest please"
Billu,Support Network Member"Hi, I'm a 42 year old male. I'm trying to understand HBP and monitor readings. About a year ago my Dr told said my BP was high and we should keep an eye on it. 140/92. So I started eating healthier and cut sodium. During this time I also monitored my BP from home. My first reading was always around 140/90, then if I sat for a few minutes and took it 2 more mores the numbers would come down significantly to around 120/80. I recently went back and the nurse checked and it was 120/80 and I lost 29 lbs. (Im 5'9", 169lbs, so im not overweight, but i could lise some weight) The Dr was pleased with my lifetime style changes and checked my BP himself and it was 140/90, jumped up within minutes. He then decided to prescribe me meds. I have not taking them yet, and continued my diet. Still today my first reading is high then returns to normal. I would like to better understand these readings before I start taking meds that I want to avoid. Can Drs try to figure out the root cause of the HBP before starting meds? How long would it take to achieve a desired BP with my lifestyle changes. Thank you for any input to help me understand my numbers."
Dmurm,Support Network Member"Will i live another heart attack if i change my diet and exercise"
Sabrina631,Support Network Member"I am 66 years old and had a heart attack on 5/14, went back to work the same afternoon I was discharged (had to). I'm totally exhausted by the time 2p rolls around and I am caregiver for my 89 year old mother. Does this tiredness ever end? Some days I can barely put one foot in front of the other."
judecobbs,Support Network MemberStroke
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"My husband had a MCA stroke and has been very impulsive in regards to spending money. I tried power of attorney- which he later revoked. He has numerous credit cards and loans that I know nothing about. How can I save myself from his behavior and debt he has incurred without my knowledge???"
jamiefrye2,Support Network Member"how long after initial stroke can nerve pain develop?"
Dragonbrat79,Support Network Member"I had a stroke eight years ago. a few months ago, I was in a serious car accident. I had a whiplash, a concussion, cervical/lumbar pain . The other driver was speeding at 65 miles and hit us T bone and the car spin around, I was sitting in the rear passenger. Can the stroke get worse with the trauma? Thank you."
Lupylup,Support Network Member"Any advice for legs burning and tiredness had a mini stroke on January 2018"
Pink12,Support Network Member"Why did my left side go numb? It’s primarily the foot and leg and I walk funny now. Can it be fixed? Have you heard of the stroke reversal medicine?"
Rstone2,Support Network MemberChronic Heart Conditions
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"Now that I have the Familial Hypercholesterolemia diagnosis, what will my future be like?"
Support Network Member"My husband was just diagnosed with atrial flutter. He was put on Metoprolol, Diltiazem, Propafenone; switched from losartan to candesartan. He had Cardioversion 10 days ago & although flutter is better, BP is now very high. Is this typical?"
eliz928,Support Network Member"I am traveling from California to Europe for several months where the difference in time zone is 9 hours. When should I take my medications in the new time zone?"
stivschwartz,Support Network Member"I am a 70 year old male. I play tennis 4 days a week, hard court, singles. I start at 7am because the heat is a challenge. I have CHF, stage 4 CKD, hypertension, as of last week AFIB. I now am very nervous. My blood pressure and pulse are going crazy. I am not sure what sets it off. I thought I was hydrating enough on the courts but when I ended up in the emergency room last Sun, my sodium on blood was 148. Troponin 1 was .04, it turned out OK. So I drank 30 oz. yesterday during play and my HR is up and down and up. 138/65/113/74 etc. At home it is very out of rhythm into the night and today stable. When I walked into the next room my pulse went to 113, then 1 minute to 59. What is the future? Thanks Jeff"
Wildman70,Support Network Member"Why does my patient seem to have insecurity and trust issues."
Huahauahahsh,Support Network MemberCongenital Heart Defect
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"What is exactly is congestive heart failure"
Pfletcher490,Support Network Member"My daughter is born on 28 th may 2018. on 29 may 2018 she was diagnosed with hypoglycemia. On June 10, 2018 she aspirated twice and admitted in NICU with breathing difficulty. On June 12, 2018 she was diagnosed with two holes in her heart, one asd of 3 mm and PDA of 4 mm. Her pneumonia is still there today on 18 th June 2018 but improving."
MJH1979,Support Network Member"My child has Ostium Secundum ASD of 7-8 mm and Large Perimembranous VSD during his first month of age. Now he is 5 months old and the ASD is 5 mm and Moderate VSD. Can you please suggest wheather any surgery will be needed or it will cure itself."
parijat,Support Network Member"I had to list the above option, altho I am not sure it is what I have. What I have is a heart valve defect, since birth, but I only found out about it last year. My lower valve does not completely close, so there is regurgitation, i.e., back-flow in that section of my heart, with every beat. It sounds like a small heart murmur via a stethoscope, but only when I am stressed or troubled. My question is what will happen if I ever have a heart attack? I see physicians at my local university campus. I overheard once that my condition should not pose a problem unless I have a heart attack. What problems would present themselves if I ever do have a heart attack? I work on keeping lower cholesterol, but I inherited it from my Mother, and she always took a statin. I am on one but I know it will make no difference, as I have been on them before. What would happen if I did have a heart attack in relation to my valve deformity?"
Annie6556,Support Network Member"Any advice on how to both prepare my 3 year old and myself for her open heart surgery?"
MK2018,Support Network MemberRehab & Recovery
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"With rehab and recovery will I be able to cook again without burning or dropping everything?"
Sherri55,Support Network Member"I had CABG 3-26-2018 and returned to work on 5-7-2018. How long will it take for my chest to completely be pain free? Also my cardiologist told me if I can point to the pain it's not heart related is that true? I'm currently on a low dose aspirin and 10mg Atorvastatin. I did not suffer a heart attack, my CABG was a single by-pass. What is the life expectance after CABG without a heart attack? I was told I could go for another 50 years with no problems."
JDJ1965,Support Network Member"How do you learn to reuse your right side with out physical therapy"
Sherri55,Support Network Member"I always have had great blood pressure, I have also been on the Birth Control pill since the age of 18 took a break from it few times just to be put back on it for female health conditions. I'm 52 turning 53 been off the pill for about 3 months no periods since then. recently got diagnosed with high blood pressure. Doctor put me on Amlodipine Besylate 2.5mg I weigh 112 pounds, My question is do I have to be on this medication for the rest of my life also is there anyway that maybe the birth control might have caused my high blood pressure?"
Sadie2,Support Network Member"i am trying as hard as i can to rehab but not much going on.i think i am getting depressed from lack of progress. any thoughts"
susan122557,Support Network MemberCaregiver
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"I need help finding the proper care or rehab for my adult son who is on Alaska Medicaid and Medicare. His stroke encompassed the entire right hemisphere, right eye blindness and left eye left field cut along with left side weakness of his left leg and paralysis of the left arm. His stroke happened 8/24/14 he is now 35. He steals and sells my property to buy pot and alcohol. He's not drinking and smoking everyday as far as I know but his behavior is that of a addict. I've found places that would be perfect, I think, but none of them take Medicaid/Medicare. What am I supposed to do? He's going to end up homeless if I can not find the proper help for him and support for me. Please, are there solutions that I'm not aware of?"
dianalavona,Support Network Member"My husband suffered a lower left lobe brain bleed 5182018, he is improving, however, the Aphasia and confusion are acute. Will his communication and understanding ability improve?"
zeigler56,Support Network Member"I wanna know why doctors be so careless sometimes?"
79051,Support Network Member"after hemoric stroke and 9 days coma what are chances."
Stefan,Support Network Member"My wife had a Thalamus Stroke in late January of this year. I have been dealing with her depression, anger and overall lack of motivation. She gets angry over everything that doesn't go right. Turns things into a crisis. Has panic attacks when we are away from home for awhile. Takes out her anger on me for trying to help but moments later will ask for help to do something. How can I deal with the mental issues?"
Chris44641,Support Network MemberPediatric Stroke
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"Are heart disease and stroke related to each other? If my child has heart disease, could she have a stroke?"
AHA/ASA Katie Bahn,Support Network Member"Do children have the same stroke symptoms as adults?"
AHAASAKatie,Support Network Member"My baby had a stroke in utero. What are the main developmental achievements that I should look for as he grows?"
AHA/ASA Katie Bahn,Support Network Member"What Causes a Pediatric Strokes in children?"
AHA/ASA Katie Bahn,Support Network Member"Hi all. My son had a stroke in utero or at birth... he presented with seizures during the first 36 hours of life which were controlled with phenobarbital. He's 7 months now and is doing as great as we could all hope for. Meeting his milestones and more and has no deficits or signs of stroke as of yet. We know that prognosis for this is extremely variable, which is why I'd like to hear if anyone has a similar case/ experience and what the outcome was (in regards to the area of the brain that was affected). His stroke was in his left frontal lobe, I'd say maybe 1/8th of his left side and a small part of white matter in the back of his right side... the neurologist said he is almost borderzone if that helps... I've looked at studies and patients classified as borderzone seemed to have good prognosis... but the studies are all over the map and I don't really know what to conclude at this point other than expect the worst but hope for the best. Any information from patients or parents of children with similar diagnosis would help tremendously."
Support Network MemberEmotional Well Being
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"I lost my Dad to a heart attack along time ago. I still think of it as yesterday. How do I get through this???"
CliftonL,Support Network Member"Please suggest a site about depression: causes and treatment. I first experienced depression about 20 years ago after surgery on my knee. The surgery went fine but for 6 months afterwards my calf muscles were in intense pain. I saw numerous doctors and physical therapists, but no one gave me a diagnosis. I was given a ton of pain killers. Finally I had a major depressive episode. I was given Paxil. Now after all that time, I am experiencing depression again, this time I believe because of numerous stressful events. My doctor is excellent, but I really want to understand depression. I have had another doctor tell me that people need to make good decisions, that you must simply accept that bad things happen, and then more bad things happen. I did not find this helpful and do not think this is something that someone that is depressed should be told."
HappySue,Support Network Member"I'm a recovering addict with depression, anxiety and chronic pain and weight gain. How do I cope?"
Lizzylee,Support Network Member"I want to talk about aortic aneurysms. I feel like I’m sitting on a time bomb. I want mine removed now, not later... While I’m healthy enough to fight for life!"
Iamdonna,Support Network Member"how long will I be upset about my grandpa who just died of a heart attack."
fjoshua,Support Network Member