Family = Cooperation and Coordination

Note from Jeff 8-17-09
Jeannette will not be available on Thursday and Friday. We need to have someone available to be there with Mom on those days. She still needs someone there to visit and converse with during the day.

She will be back to taking her Zoloft in the Morning, rather than at night. Everyone seems to be in agreement with this. Her trip to the surgeon is still on for this week after they were considering postponing due to concerns with her transporting by car. They decided to let her go ahead as long as she is placed in and out of the car. The thought is that the surgeon will rescind the order concerning her not using her leg and let the PT begin more rigorous therapy. All of the therapists believe she is progressing at a good pace. All of the therapists are working together in getting her the best care. The ST plans on helping the PT with communications with Mom. The OT and PT are working together to establish the best course. They are aware she is not sleeping at night and are working with us to make sure this does not become a greater problem. We need to keep her active and awake during the day and evening, as much as possible. She has this same sleep pattern at home, though she stays awake until 11-12 at night.

She has conveyed to me that she does not like the food prepared for her. We plan on taking her food to see if that is the reason she is not eating as well as she should. The staff is aware and will help any way they can. As far as I know, these were the questions everyone agreed needed resolved. Please advise on any further items.
