Exercise, Longevity and Anti-Aging

Top Articles for Exercise, Longevity and Anti-Aging
Exercise and a Longer Life
By Mark Stibich, Ph.D., About.com
Updated March 29, 2009
(About.com Health's Disease and Condition content is reviewed by our Medical Review Board
See More About:nutritionhealthy eating tipsanti-aginglongevity foods)

Lots of exercise recommendations are out there. While many are good, most are designed to help athletes reach peak performance or to help people lose weight. When it comes to exercising for longevity, things get a bit muddy. Is it better to focus on your heart, bones or muscles? Is there an age when the risks of exercise outweigh the benefits? These articles look into some research and other ideas to help you exercise for a longer life.
Add 9 Years and Have Younger DNA

Turns out that exercise can get deep in your body, even into your DNA. Researchers have found that people who exercise have younger DNA -- by up to 9 years. That is an incredible benefit. So exercising may do more than help prevent illness; it may actually make you younger.
