About weSPARK

Our Mission

weSpark is a special place dedicated to enhance the quality of life for cancer patients and their families and friends. weSPARK provides, free of charge, a center where one can join with others to share their experience, strength, and hope. weSpark offers multiple services designed to heal the mind, body and spirit of all those whose lives have been affected by cancer.

Our Founder

Wendie Jo Sperber was an actress, mother and breast cancer warrior. When she was diagnosed in 1997, she was devastated, yet determined to live. She soon realized that although the physical treatment was difficult, the hardest battle was to be fought on the emotional front.

Our Staff

Nancy Allen
Executive Director

Pam Rivera
Operations and Finance Director

Bonnie Franklin, MS, MFT
Guest Services Manager

Lea Salvatore
Program Coordinator

Alexandra Schoch
Office Coordinator

Breanna Hoisington
Outreach Coordinator

Lilliane Ballesteros
Development Coordinator

Wren Claire
Special Events Coordinator

Tara Shore, MA
Santa Clarita Coordinator / Facilitator

Our Facilitators

Sharon Earle, MA, LMFT

Bonnie Franklin, MS, MFT

Barbara Joseph, RN, MFT

Bonnie Moore, LCSW

Suzanne Shayne-Mandler, MA, MFT

Tara Shore, MA

Pamela Stephan, MFT

Lynne Sullivan, MFT

Kim Tortorici, MS, MFT

Courtney Davis, MSW
Our Medical and Counseling Advisory Board

Rachel S. Beller, MS, R.D.
Director, Nutritional Oncology Research Center, Brander Nutritional Oncology Counseling Program, John Wayne Cancer Institute

Lesley Botnick, M.D.
Radiologist Oncologist / Valley Radiation Oncology Center

Sharon Burnett, Ph.D

William Isacoff, M.D.
Oncologist, UCLA

Karen Morin, R.N., O.C.N.

Marie Ritz, L.C.S.W.
Clinical Advisor

Christy A. Russell, M.D.
USC/Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center

Michael Topp, MFT

Jay Udani, M.D.
Medical Director, Northridge Hospital Integrative Medicine Program and Assistant Clinical Professor, UCLA/Geffen School of Medicine

Our Board

David Green
President, weSPARK, CPA, Managing Partner, Green, Hasson & Janks LLC

Moe Abourched
Re/Max on the Boulevard

Eileen Bryson
Director of Special Projects, Lawry's Restaurants Inc.

Richard Centolella

Claudia DeCea
Manager, United Government Services, LLC

Russ Diamond
President, Snyder Diamond

Allan Dietrich
California Bank and Trust

Elaine Donley
Assisted Healthcare Services

Matt Epstein
Director of New Homes & Estates, Re/Max on the Boulevard

Patrick Fraioli
Attorney At Law, Moldo Davidson Fraioli Seror & Sestanovich LLP

Jo-Ann Geffen
President, CEO, JAG Entertainment

Bruce Gendein
CLU, ChFC / President, The Senex Group

Missy Halperin
Senior Vice President, Talent Relations, Fox Television

Michael Hand
TBG Danco, Inc.

Michael Kanigher

David Kohan
Executive Producer, Creator “Will & Grace”

Dana Pearl
Executive Director-Investments, Oppenheimer & Co.

Anita Rich
Coldwell Bank

Bob Sanseverino
National Account Manager, Ford Motor Company

Richard Sperber
President, ValleyCrest Companies

Arthur Toretzky
Talent Agent, Paradigm

Our Founders

Founders Circle

Wendie Jo Sperber

The Feintech Family Foundation

Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson

David Kohan

Shawn and Richard Sperber

Charlene and Burton Sperber

Steven Spielberg

Kate Capshaw