I've suffered from Anorexia for 5 years now, and I decided that, in a free trial, I would see what acupuncture could do for me. I usually have the urge to purge myself of food after eating, but after just my first visit to the clinic I had no urges. http://www.acufinder.com/Acupuncture+InformationDetail/Fight+Eating+Dis…
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Last year when I was diagnosed with breast cancer, my world as I knew it was completely changed. I had to quickly learn to make myself the #1 priority, which I am still working on. I found strength I never knew I had.
The best tip I can give anyone is to surround yourself with loving family and friends and only positive energy. Sometimes it can feel very lonely but you have to keep positive.
My stepmom (a lung cancer survivor) let me know that you can interview as many physicians as you need to in order to find one who feels like the right person for you.
Learn to trust your instincts and find a medical professional who gives you answers that feel right to you.
Add some new inspirational pictures of you and/or your family and community to put in your Bridge Plan and Book. You'll enjoy seeing them and they will charge you up.
Stress itself is not an actual occurrence – it’s our perception of an incident as negative and fear provoking. Change our perception and we don’t feel as stressed because it allows us to see a situation through different eyes. Humor operates by manipulating distance and perspective, and is a great way to transform the way we understand an event.
Get back to some level of activity fast, as soon as the first course of treatment is over, and set little goals immediately. Reward yourself along the way, too.
Don't be shy or timid with your medical professionals. They are members of your Team, and they need to answer every question you have.
Be VERY careful about who you tell and why, especially if you don't have a full prognosis.
Understand that telling someone the news carries with it a responsibility to update them with each new piece of news, and this is hard. You can update your Bridge Plan and let your site do that work for you.
You set the rules! No one can make you do something you don't feel comfortable doing, and your instincts matter - if what your doctor tells you doesn't make sense, they may need to explain it again.
Take a piece of artwork (I have a friend who used a lock of hair from a child) - anything that gives you strength or makes you laugh and put it into your Bridge Book. Open that book when you are at a medical professional’s location for a little extra strength.
An answer might be: It's my new look. It’s temporary. I look this way because I'm in the process of becoming a survivor!
An answer might be: Thanks for asking, and I'm feeling stronger every single day! How about you?!
Know that the world is a different place for you now, but that you are ready to go back into it.
There are places to buy wigs and head wraps, and bald heads can be trendy. Wear your new look with pride!
Often goals have to be tuned along the way. Don't be bummed if you have to adjust!
My son told me "Dad, you need a house," and he meant "a home." Becoming a cancer survivor opened up my heart and slowed me down a lot - let yourself feel more connected to the world.
Set your sights on something you have never done and do it! I traveled with a loved one to a new part of the world because I felt we'd both earned it. And I learned about health from another culture while I was there - fun and health can go hand in hand.